Welcome to Central Coast Confectionery


AACS Gala & Awards Dinner

Friday the 16th August 2019 saw the annual awards evening at The Australian Association of Convenience Stores (ACCS).

Founded in 1900, ACCS is the peak body and champion for convenience retailing; representing the interests of all businesses within the Australian convenience store channel including suppliers, retailers and associated businesses. 

Every year they get together to celebrate amazing work within the industry. Awards are presented in a range of categories from Franchise Store of the Year, to Supplier of the Year in Beverage, Snacking and Confectionery (congratulations to Frucor, PepsiCo and Mondelez!) to name just a few. 

For yet another year in a row, The Distributors beat off stiff competition from other finalists Metcash and PFD to take home the silverware.

This is an incredible achievement; to be recognised by our peers for the great job The Distributors are doing is simply outstanding.

In this day and age where social verification is so important, the ability to proudly state that The Distributors are ACCS Distributor of the Year for the last five year's running, is something that we are all extremely proud of.

Congratulations Everyone!